CJEU (Case RFC Seraing v FIFA and URBSFA, C-600/23): Advocate General CAPETA, in her opinion published this morning, considers that

Consequently, the national courts of the Member States of the European Union can and must verify the compatibility of such awards resulting from forced arbitration not only with the rules of EU public policy but more generally with all the provisions of EU law.
The following link provides access to the CJEU press release:
In our capacity as counsels for RFC Seraing, we declare:
- We are delighted with the content of Advocate General CAPETA's Opinion, which is perfectly in line with the position defended by RFC Seraing for the last 10 years.
- In view of the Advocate General's Opinion, we can already consider that the particularly heavy disciplinary sanctions imposed by FIFA on RFC Seraing, confirmed by CAS and subsequently "blessed" by the Brussels Court of Appeal, were the result of a completely illegal procedure. This will have concrete consequences.
- Advocate General CAPETA's Opinion applies not only to CAS arbitrations resulting from the statutes of FIFA, UEFA and their member federations, but also to all other forced arbitrations, in particular those imposed by the statutes of most international sports federations.
- We would point out that the Opinion of an Advocate General is not binding on the CJEU. The CJEU's ruling is expected in the next few months, probably before the summer recess.