European Super League: Ceferin's threats of boycott

"The New York Times" reports that a well-known US match organiser, Charlie Stillitano, has received messages from UEFA president A. Ceferin threatening him with a total boycott, simply for providing his services, regarding a friendly summer tournament, to the three clubs that are championing the European Super League project and - more broadly - that want a thorough reform of football governance in the European Union.
The UEFA president's message, says the New York Times, is this:
“I have heard about your ‘business’ with the three clubs. Those clubs didn’t ‘cause issues with UEFA.’ They tried to destroy UEFA, football and me personally. It’s a shame that you don’t understand it. The fact that you work with them means that me, UEFA or anyone I can have influence on will not have any business or private relation with you until you’re on the other side.”